Saturday, June 13, 2009


Pasta Delight


2 cups whole wheat pasta, cooked, drained, and rinsed
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 large broccoli tree, chopped into bite-sized pieces
1 medium carrot, cut into thin strips
1/2 cup green peas
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1/4 cup parmesan cheese

1. Cook pasta according to package instructions.

2. Using a large skillet, sauté garlic and vegetables in oil for 10 minutes, stirring often.

3. Add cooked pasta and Italian seasoning to vegetables and gently combine with a large spoon or spatula.

4. Sprinkle parmesan cheese over pasta mixture, cover and cook for two more minutes.

Makes 4 servings.

Nutritional Info

Fat: 6.2g

Carbohydrates: 31.8g


Protein: 12.1g

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