Sunday, October 19, 2008

Consistency is paramount

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristole

Personal improvement, whether it’s weight loss or skill building, is about creating or losing a habit. Still, somewhere along the way, it’s become an event. People diet until they lose 20 pounds – and then stop the smart eating and exercise that got them there. Once they reach their goal, they go back to the way they lived before and wonder why the weight comes back. For permanent change, habits need to stick around for the long run. In what way would you like to be excellent? What do people who are excellent in this way do on a regular basis? Can you do just one of those small things today? Of course one act does not build a foundation, but it does get you started. With repetition and time, that one action will seem more normal. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes part of who you are, and the transformation is complete.

Thank you Sparks People

It's the Little things that makes the difference

“Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs step at a time~Marked Twain

Every giant leap forward is in reality a series of baby steps. For every major breakthrough you see in your performance, don’t forget all the hundreds of little things that had to happen, day after day, for that to happen. Habits are the basis of improvement, but they don’t happen overnight. The easiest – and most difficult – way to improve your life is to make or break a habit. It’s easy because habits are built one single action at a time. It’s difficult because you need to be consistent. It’s much more of a mental game than a physical challenge. If you don’t see progress right away, don’t be discouraged. In fact, some of the habits you have right now have been a lifetime in the making and repeating. They can be as stubborn as a mule. It might take some coaxing to get them to move.

Light it up

Lamp photograph ~Shot at Amtrak Station ~ Greensboro,NC All Rights Reserved JHM©08

“To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” ~Mother Theresa

While you work to be a spark for others, don’t forget that your light is only as strong as the fuel you feed it. That means food. Good food. Eating well and eating right keep that flame from dying out. When you’re at the top of your game, your body uses up nutrients While you work to be a spark for others, don’t forget that your light is only as strong as the fuel you feed it. That means food. Good food. Eating well and eating right keep that flame from dying out. When you’re at the top of your game, your body uses up nutrients as fast as you can put them in. Starving yourself, even for a little while, takes your flame down a notch or two. Deprive your body long enough and the spark could be snuffed out. And without real nutritional value, junk food is just as useless as no food at all. A healthy, balanced diet is like a constant power boost for your goals. Replenish your energy before you wear out, and your fire will burn brighter and brighter every day. and brighter every day.
Thanks Sparks People

Friday, October 17, 2008

Taking responsibility for your Success

"Flying High" photograph All rights reservedJHM©08 Peagus Gallery~ Louiville, Kentucky
The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. - Swedish proverb

We all need support from other people. Love, encouragement, words of advice and friendship will help you get through the important stages in your life. When people are in your corner, you feel like taking on any challenge. As important as help from others may be, though, it all has to start with you. If you're waiting for someone to solve your problems, or wondering when someone is "going to do something about that," you may be waiting a long time--unless you look to yourself first. Take responsibility for your own situation and think of what concrete steps you'll take today to help it. If you're going to need help, it's only fair that the person with the most at stake (you) is willing to make the most effort. When someone is pulling you out of a hole and has grasped your hand, you still must take the first step to climb out, or you're just going to be hanging there.

Thanks Sparks People

Moon-ism : It is not the only place, but the best place. We all have different skill levels, ability, strength and circumstances. It is also about finding the balance between self sufficency and be wise enough to know and ask for assistance when needed. And the one who could assist to do so freely, generously without judgement, criticism and condescension.

It a wonderful feeling to say and know I did this!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Say it (Not)So!

"Under the Bridge" photograph Durham NC All Rights ReservedJHM©08

Keep your goals away from the Trolls! ~ Unknown

I had to chuckle when I first saw this inside a Chinese fortune cookie after much on my meal.

Then I thought... there is some truisms in this. There are indeed people who will for whatever reasons why, will make light of your goals, find ways to put them down either in word or deed when in the end is has nothing to do with them, not their business.

But on my part I have to take responsibility in being more discerning as to whom you show your goals to.

Sort of an irony since I am here on a blog talking about my weight release adventure. But here I can control comments that I do not have to read or do not have to post. In the real world people love to venture their opinions, thoughts and wants but not as offering as suggestions but almost as a demand that you do this or die mind. Yes I am exaggerating but not by must.

Knowing the difference between some who will cheer you as you soar through the clouds or a troll who wants to put an anvil around your neck as you ker-plunk to the ground sometimes are not easy to spot.

At least I have not develop and uncanny knack to discern these trolls but I am getting better, smarter and quicker about leaving them behind then I used to be.

So what have I got to lose outside of poundage and stressby being more saavy when it comes to trolls? Not a whole lot as trolls will simply wait under the bridge until the next innocent sheep crosses and then pounce.

It just won't be me.

How cool is that?


Finding the Right People

" Reflecting the Sky" Eno River Durham,NC Photograph All Rights Reserved JHM©08

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you, too, can become great."~Mark Twain, writer and satirist

It's easy to recognize a perfect candidate for your support team. Just look for someone who has a way of making everyone else around them better: someone who succeeds by developing other people and letting them in on the fun; someone who is genuinely happy when other people succeed. That's the person you want on your side. The pages of history are heavy with tales of the misguided who were proven wrong while insisting something couldn't be done. Why put up with that? Believe in your goals enough to know that you shouldn't stomach people who don't. It's okay if you're the only one who believes in your dream. But someone who truly believes in YOU should help you believe that if anyone can do it, you can.
Thanks Sparks People

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sometimes the Littlest People Know the Most

Thank you Sparks People. This hits the spot

Forget about talk radio, research labs, late night TV, or a magazine rack full of scantily clad cover models. Everything you need to know about fitness and nutrition, you can learn from your kids.

Here are 11 things children can teach you about healthy living:

Everything can be a game.
Why slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.

Don't walk when you can run.
Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk."

If you don't like it, don't eat it.
Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.

Laughter feels good.
Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.

Playtime is important.
We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.

The world should be full of color
--especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible; paint it like a rainbow with food. It's more fun to look at, the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients, and chances are you'll be eating a healthy, balanced meal.

It's always more fun with friends around.
Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.

Adventures are found outside, not inside.
Every kid knows that the good stuff is in the great outdoors--fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities. You can't find those things cooped up in a tiny, stale gym. Open the door and start a new adventure every day.

It's important to use your imagination.
You can be Major Fantasia or Stupendous Woman any time you want. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.

Anything is possible.
No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And do you know what? They're right.

You have your whole life ahead of you.
Here's your chance to do it right.

Friday, October 3, 2008

For Humor

Who says food cannot be art? More to come...

Flowers for myself...


Expanding my food vocabulary

Collard Green Salad

Raw Corn Delight
Preparing the Collard Green Salad
He who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else ~Samuel Johnson

I had a wonderfuly experience last week to be part of a raw foods "cooking" class.

You did not get to sit and watch but participate in the preparation as well as the eating.

I am a person who has not ever been prone toward salads let along a whole raw food meal, but after spending a wonderful week with myhost who has been a vegan for over 20 years and then went completely raw food 4 years ago and sampling pates, salads casseroles etc all raw, I found myself intrigue to give it a shot.

Even more then the food was the camaraderie with the other women in a sisterly communal preparation that reminds me of another time and place or still is shared in many other cultures.

While I will be the first to say that it has not converted me into anything other then what I am I can indeed tell you that as I lean into this new way of eating (for me) I wll be incorporating more of this into my life.

It is economical, tasty,healthy and yes a lot of work in the learning.

I am like many people who may would have been turned off to trying not because of the food itself, but the sometimes seemingly pety, self-rightouness that comes from many vegans. To me many always seem to have this pinched veneer around them as if they could not have fun or enjoyed life or everything was drudge and work.

But my host seperate that she was from New Orleans made this enjoy, fun & tasty. Yup tasty. I've tried non meat meals before and outside of my daughter in law's cooking so much of it was downright nasty as if the preparer took all the joy out of the food.

I so relish in the fragrances in the raw food as we prepared and sampled and giggled . I noticed later I was feeling pretty happy in a quiet way as if the belly was smiling.

And perhaps it was...
