Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How timely is this?

As I dragged myself out of bed this morning, ,slept well but still feeling a lil funky, my 1st thought was I did "not want to feel another let down day". Why I've been feeling funky is in part the post move let down that typically comes when you moved to a new area, new venture new time.

We hear a lot about (well at least in the movies, motivational speeches in all the wonderful articles about "You can do it! It's your time! All you have to do is take the 1st step!" kind of pep talks but I always wonder why little is spoken of what happens directly after you make the leap. Perhaps that is why when people start their health & wellness program, or sometimes smack dab in the middle of it, or after awhile of success you have a moment of KA-Plunk! when all the pep in your step poops out or despite it all you throw caution to the wind & step off your goals they berate themselves for failing when in actuality you didn't.

But more of you are being human.

Back to my 1st hour of awakening... After getting the newspaper, turning on GMA I checked my email and here was an encouraging email from a supporter who has been exceptional in her own right. Her remarks lifted me and actually inspired this post.The there was reading from Sparks People's Healthy Reflection (see below).

My thought, how timely was this for me...

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

How Do You React to Setbacks?
When problems come up, how do you react? Do you look for blame, or do shoulder what you can and try to repair it? Do you throw up your hands and look for an easier way, or do you learn, adapt and keep pushing? There's a lot of talk nowadays about 'personal responsibility'. That's great. But it's usually brought up only in finding fault. It's true that to show 'responsibility' is to own up to your role in the problem's cause. We don't often hear about the other side of responsibility--an obligation to be part of the solution. Even when a hardship is not your fault at all, you can--and should--do what you can to fix it. Your skills and abilities create an obligation that only your character can fulfill.
Thanks girlfriend...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

He who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else.
Samuel Johnson

Schedule a personal tune-up

Proper nutrition is part of the foundation of a healthy life. Your car needs the right amount of gas and periodic tune-ups to make it run smoothly and prevent future problems. Your body needs healthy food and periodic check-ups too. Make a goal to start treating your body the right way. Take care of yourself. Eat the right foods and make sure to visit your doctor regularly. If you start maintaining and tracking your progress, you will probably see dramatic positive results in the way your body runs.