Monday, December 15, 2008

What is with the Chatter?

If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence it's because the people on the other side are taking care of it ~Author Unknown

Think About This column~

By Sandra Garth©08

You know how teed off you get when someone cuts you off in traffic? I know I’ve yelled (with the window rolled up) thrown my hands up in frustration and have been tempted to flip them the bird. Arrrggg!!! It’s so aggravating when people don’t pay attention or don’t seem to give “a you know what” that they’re being inconsiderate. Oh, but sometimes it doesn’t stop there.

We continue the ranting in our minds, hitting the rewind button over and over until we’ve had our virtual say to the offender. Instant replay makes us feel better momentarily but does zilch to rectify the situation. Reruns only serve to keep us in a negative mindset.

Once you’re miffed about anything it’s easy to keep going until the whole day is shot and nothing is going your way.

I know we have to get it out of our systems, purge the incident so to speak. But when we keep going back; bingeing on the negative, we’ll only have more to purge. If we are ever going to move forward we’ve got to cut the self-defeating negative chatter. The same attitude applies, in regards to weight loss and fitness.

Let’s say you made one too many trips through the buffet line and you’re black and blue from beating yourself up about it. Does the mindless chatter about your lack of discipline negate the calories you downed? No it doesn’t! Again, I say a positive and hopeful frame of mind will not automatically equate to thin thighs in thirty days. However, as long as you’re reminiscing about what you did wrong you’re not doing anything to move towards your goals. Clear the nonproductive chatter and get on with it; no matter what “it” is.

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