A ship in a harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are for."~ John A. Shedd
A delight I had received this day was from a person previously unknown to me who wrote to me. Not only were his words inspiring & touching to me, but it reminded me that on any day, just like toDAY someone CAN (it could be you, raise & lift another person up from the simplest gesture. One thing he said that I can share as he is finding his weigh to grow was
"being grateful and recognizing who and what I am grateful for
forgiving everyone and everything
- DOing that which brings me JOY - which
happens to be writing, drawing and music
- choosing to BE the happiness, not
striving to get there someday
I now make better choices when I eat. Better decisions when I interact
with others. And the weight is coming off so easily. The cravings are nothing
what they used to be. The things that would trigger my appetite in the past do
not affect me now".
And I say ashe'.
Some days and any of us can get caught up in it, we really do not focus energy on the joy giving for too much time and energy into things that weigh us down. I am no different. It can indeed become an ugly habit one that can be done away with but can take time. One thing this young man had said of thinking always of himself as a spiritual person reading the books, attending lectures,seminars etc, but then realized he had not been committed to anything.
I say however it should be more then even being committed, but being dedicated which really sounds like what he, I and perhaps the whole Sparks community is doing...
At one point one of the founding fathers of the U.S. wrote these words:
"We hold these truths to beAs well intentioned as and beautifully written the ideals were (we all know all men were not equal & women were left out), he made a very valid point; we do have to be SELF evident and it IS endowed by our Creator as inalienable. So I say I do not want to PURSUE happiness I will take a line from the aforementioned lurker, I want to BE happy.
SELF-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights...life, liberty and the pursuit of
So do I want to commit to that end? Or dedicate to that purpose?
Commit: to put in charge; to trust;to carry into action deliberately
Dedicate: to set apart to a definite use;to commit to a goal or way of life.
A synonym is devote: to give over or direct (as time, money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity
Commit or dedicate both powerful one shows having an action, the other making it life long/a way of life.
Just a moment ago as I was writing this, a beautiful silver grey Himalayan cat strolled into my lil courtyard sniffing around. He was magnificent & I had to stop for a moment to watch him in his grace and beauty stroll and sniff in my garden. Perhaps a connoisseur of fragrances? Or simply looking for food? Who knows but it brought a smile to my face with simply the thought.
Now back to my thoughts here...
So for me will I commit to having a healthier life well being which will be the act? Or will I dedicate in making this as well as enJOYing this day be a life long action? I want the long term as I cannot see it as a temporary fix. I want to enJOY the rest of my days health filled with a wealth of joy and wise so I will abe able top apply all I learn from this day of joy.
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