So when did it happen for you when when your refrigerator became healthier?
It struck home for me last week doing something as innocent as opening the refrigerator and noticing that mine is full of blueberries, raspberries, omega-3 eggs 2% milk, salmon, veggies etc.
It then dawned on me that unconscious and more now consciously that the more I've read & learned the more I have put into practice. It was a slow but steady metamorphosis. Other changes came about gradually sometimes almost imperceptibly but progressive. I am not saying its been perfect but definitely not as hard as I would have thought. But I've been priming myself for sometime.
I just read this great quote by Robert Frost: "Something we were withholding made us weak, until we found it was ourselves".
Whether it works for someone else I cannot say, but I know what has been working for me and that has been working on the "innies" as much as the "outties". I still agree with that commercial slogan "Its not what you are eating, but what's eating YOU". So as a nod to Frost & a commercial paying attention to the whole enchilada is important. We can and very successfully drop numbers but if we don't pay attention to it all one can as been attested to by many can easily put it back on even easier then taking it off.
I recalled resisting salads (still not a fan) but enjoy them more now. I so enjoy all the fresh fruit, the taste of organic Omega 3 eggs, still do not care for oatmeal, but able to tolerate it. And for a person who did not ever, ever thought I would see myself eating white chicken breast or turkey breast, prepared well I actually like it. Even to the point that I am rarely purchasing dark meat.
I still enjoy an occasional KFC or a bowl of ice cream. I do get on occasions popsicles but still will a couple of times a month have "real" ice cream, speaking of which Hagan Daas has come out with a wonderful one called Five. Very healthy and very tasty.
It hasn't been a major struggle just trying different things and it is true using herbs & spices and my all time fave, garlic, has done wonders. I am now introducing ground flaxseed in my food. Proudly now enjoying 7-8 hours of sleep & most days drinking 7-8 glasses of water.
I wish I can walk more however until I have needed surgery it is a slow progress having to avoid some things but finding other creative means to get some movement.
So it is not impossible.
I have done some other things that have been wonderful almost liberating. Breaking goals into very small pieces over and extended period of time works. I also have discovered that some of the holding back can be in the words we use applying to ourselves when we have a setback, using words like "defeat" "bad" "failure" "devastated" for something which is minor when you look at it setting up ourselves to throw in the towel (or perhaps the apron).
One of Sparks' Healthy Reflections I read last night was timely:
Who is standing in your way?
Imagine someone regularly tying small weights around your ankles as you try to climb a mountain. Doesn't sound fair, does it? But that's exactly what you can do to yourself, a little bit at a time, if you don't watch out. When you think of who and what is standing in the way of your dreams, it's easy to forget your own responsibility. Even the best of us can be guilty of unknowingly hurting our own progress.
Procrastination, lateness, being disorganized, pessimism, not being honest with yourself, severe self-criticism, downplaying achievements, focusing only on weaknesses while ignoring strengths, keeping goals a secret, demanding perfection, giving up after a small setback--these are all ways you can make it tough to be (and do) your best.
Smart systems, the right attitude, and a promise to keep going no matter what will make a world of difference".
And discovering I have a healthy refrigerator is proof possible of just that! And even moreso having a healthier work in progress attitude and disposition aids me immensely!
How Cool is that?
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