Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shifting Plates~no pun intended

Introducing Salli Addis born 11-10-08 at 1:25pm to Traci (seen above) and my son Jay'son.

Now I cannot tell it, but I am told by some who saw me this summer and see me now say I've dropped some weight, but I am too close to tell, but that's ok too. I am looking forward to see what the next few months will bear and just pay attention to the weigh I do the things I do. But then when I saw the above pictures I can indeed tell my face has thinned out and my ankles are not swelling any longer.
My DIL swears I've lost 30 pounds but the scales did not show that unless I actually weighed more then I initially thought. But whatever it is let me continue to progress to a healthy well being.
Now as my thoughts wander around:

For now I will say that no one would ever no matter how good their plans may be can prepare well for the unexpected. And recognizing what is and what is not in your control is a good way to be. Do what you can and leave the rest alone. 08 has been a year of new beginnings but if I recall some time back when I spoke of the word orogeny, mountain building and the earth plates shift back & forth you will build mountains, but with it comes some valleys too.

Do one stop and stay put? Sometimes yes for a moment. To skip over something is not always a good thing as the shift has to be given its honor and time to settle in place. Nothing is instant not growth, weight release, or life. You remind yourself again and again why you are doing this and keep on. Believing even if it seems hard at the moment. Or painful or exhausting. Or overwhelming frightening ...

Or tiresome...

Or endless.

I know when I started this new beginning this year, of walking on air armed only with hope, faith and determination was not going to be easy, but sheesch I did not expect all this!

But I wrestle and came forward.

These are indeed new beginnings and while I am nestled in this little studio in the woods (or I should say hills) looking out at all of the lovely nature, enjoying clean air, and quiet I feel my creative energy reviving. I am living in a space a fraction of the size I had before with none of my trappings around me and it feels clear & light. There are no distractions that are silly ,foolish or fool hardy. I am in a space where there is a bounty of cultural events and things while not my beloved New Orleans, can hold its on.

How cool is that?B-)

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