Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where y'er e t

As I was trolling the Internet looking for an ideal photo for a previous essay I notice one thing: the dearth of images of African American especially women images in fitness & in health. For some it may matter not or think "what's the big deal"? In many fitness sites, magazines, books et all, a constant suggestion is the post a picture of yourself or someone you can model your goals on.

Well call me touchy, but would it be such a stretch for me to have someone that looks like me?

I did notice a huge (no pun intended) of articles talking about our deficit; 50% obesity rate/high levels of diabetes/heart disease/ Aids /the common cold/ why it never rains in Southern California. You would never know how many vegans /raw food / joggers-walker/marathon/organic/"green" are women of color etc.

I did see a article about some group reaching out to "urban" groups who do not have a clue about gardening in the city. Urban being a code for black. It is wearisome at always relegated to a passive or victim role.

No wonder people including African American people do not seem to think we are a force in health & well being.

And to add to this no women's land is shall I dare say WOC over the age of 50 in a healthy state of mind?

I know they are there. I know many of them. Yet I saw more articles on one of the reason WOC do not work out is because of our hair. Somehow we are willing to sacrifice our health & our lives for the ultimate do.

Sure it could be among some, but I can guarantee you not all.

So I put a call out to any and all if you come across one please send it to me at:

I am not looking for models who the heaviest thing they've ever picked up was a cosmetic bag. Or a 20 year old though I will not exclude that. I do want the everyday woman in power & holding to her authority. I will not exclude celebrities, but again we are speaking of fitness & well being.

So where y'er et?

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