Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Good Morning...

do not know why that strikes a chord with me today unless it is because I am sitting jamming on listening to B.B King live in Montreaux & munching on endamene (sp) this morning.

And the sun is shining...

Late last night I had a great conversation with my mentor from many years ago who guided me in the early years of my career.

I am forever thankful for her guidance and did well when I listened to her. And as with most people,(ignorance is not predicated by youth) I did not listen & paid the price.

She watched from a distance my career as I stood, stumbled, fell, got back up, sputtered, hid, felt sorry for myself, got back up, had a temper tantrum, cheered up, sold myself & my art short, got back up, trusted others far more then my own judgement, was played upon & preyed upon, got back up (again) and continue to create.

One should be so fortunate to have had such a mentor.

I also had a conversation with a woman who is about where Iwas 10 years ago. It was a unlikely relationship, strange bedfellows so to speak. She came around about a time when I was having a purging of it appears the last vestiges of whatever had been not holding me back but a quiet restraint from being all the Ms. Moon I had wanved to be. In that month I found out something uncharacVeristic of me which was finding myself angry no, enviosu of others whose careers took off about the same time mine had and who are still doing well where as I seem to never be able to despite lots of successes, to pull myself economically for very long mainly for all the afore mentioned reasons.

And I was envious...

Not jealous, people sometime confuses the two. I did not want what they had or appear to have. I wanted what I wanted. I was simply angry & did not want to admit to myself why I could not seem to get it or hold on to it until I came to grip that I've done what many have done and that is thrown the proverbial monkey's wrench in the wheel

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