Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wear its At!

Ma Eartha

Ma Josephine

We often time spend so much time on dropping weight and put off for that magical day "when I lose enough weight I wil______________" (you can fill in the blanks). I like to along the process to do things that feel good help me to look my best enough when I am not (yet) at my best.

today at which is one of my new fascinations, I am finding a calvacade of all sorts of handcrafved things that are if nothing else a joy to look at and dream.

And there it was : a store on the site with vintage cat eye glasses. I spent 2 hours purusing and drooling over several ones when I found a pair a la' Josephine Baker they are so outrageous that I fell in love with. I have difficulty in finding things that fit necause even at my regular weight deep set eyes and high cheeckbones broad forehead glasses I like tend to look way to small.

You have to have a certain amount of chitzpah to wear them. I do...

But I like these as well as another pair I could see the legendary late Eartha Kitt would glide into the room with.

I am showing them here as part of my fantasy Wear it At file

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