Thursday, September 4, 2008

Winning Victory for Yourself

I am preparing to embark on the last phase of this great adventure liking the idea that was suggested by someone of having gone full circle or as she put it in few words a full moon.

Even when I commented about this is the end of the first phase was pointed out is a term used about the moon. Now that I am about the close to the edge of ending phase1, what will be is still not all the way clear, I'll get it figure it out. I think I am merely thinking out loud. It will get done

Perhaps I should be more in a panic what I will do or where I will lay my head at Phase 2, but I simply know for a certainty that everything will be all right as Bob Marley sings in his "No Woman, No Cry" song which I've been paying a lot of attention to in the few previous months before I took the leap of faith.

Still I compare it to all of us as we are works in progress in developing our health & well being that things can take all sorts of turns perhaps slightly different then what we laid out but that we can trust the process and trust ourselves enough that we will get to the results that we want and more so what we need. in exactly the right amount and the right time.

We always (and probably ourselves) hear or say the word faith an awful lot when it comes to something we want to do but perhaps sometimes unconsciously thinking that is doing the work and not us. We all know that faith without the works is dead. It is what will carry us through when we cannot see the final results right away or know what the final results are.

I am rapidly approaching my one year anniversary of when I started out to make a concerted effort to improve my health. That first phase existed of doing some pretty vigourous honesty and acknowledging of things internally.

It has taken me all this time to position myself to do the real work and to be at my business well. The business of nurture and tending to my "garden", my health , well being and life. I am thankful for the time though I did a lot of fall down seven, get up eight.

As I was writing this today I thought of several people I've shared in learning how to do this the weigh we do the thins that need to be done and we all are within a few pounds of one another on this adjusting.

None of us are in competition against each other, I just simply thought that it was interesting that we all are at this moment at a definitive point in the weight release. There is no competition, we all have a different methodology that works for us to get there.

I saw this posts at

The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.

- Anonymous

As long as the outdoing oneself means becoming a better human being, to be decent & honorable that I will say have at it!

Winning victory against yourself...

I am not a competitive person and will avoid it at all cost. I don't even like competing against me.

Perhaps my aversion to it is I am just idealistic enough to think that we can let things flow and do things at a pace that is good righteous and healthy and at the end the reward is good. I've not seen in this a lot of it in a highly competitive world where it is extolled for someone always have to be top dog, the alpha dog and everything is looked up as winning at all cost. I am just not sure that the cost is worth stepping or stomping on other people to do it & that includes myself. That is how the culture wants us to believe & it is not worth it. I do not want to stand on the mountaintop alone, to look down at the masses as in "I'm Queen of the World"!!!!

That's no fun for me. So I will continue onto a new phase and will continue to look for lightness in every way figuratively & literally and do indeed see what the beneficial end results will bring to me & others I share my life with both known and the ones I have not yet met.

And how cool is that? B-)


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