From an article on those who have sccessfully kept their weight off.
1. …Make It Public. Pb;c for yo may simply bea jornal.. You not have to put it in the National Enquirer
2. …Pay Attention. A permanent, healthy lifestyle is created on purpose. OK, I get it.
3. Enjoy Themselves:Make weight loss a positive experience and fun! How we have gotten to see and beleve that if we are not suffering, we are not working hard enough. Don't fall into that lie. Yes, you will work HARD & some days you may have to force yorself to do it, but that is more about attitude. Find an activity that suits your personality!
I am not a fan of being yelled @ so people like Jillian from the Biggest Loser would not work for me. Optimists are proven to reach more goals than pessimists and live healthier, longer lives
4. Make Gradual Changes. I never thought of what I am doing now as my “current lifestyle”, but honestly, now that I think about it, the accumulation of all my bad eating and cooking and shopping habits (with a few good ones thrown in) is indeed a lifestyle. I will spend time building a few small habits at a time, rather than diving into a program that’s totally incompatible with my current lifestyle. I will create a new lifestyle.
5. Allow Themselves To Fail Refuse to beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself. Surround yourself with sincere,truthful allies with no hidden agendas.
And take the word "failure" out too. Implicaton is self-defeating.
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