Today I got some news that without a doubt sent me to a place of total despair and tested all the wherewithal I could muster. Without elaborating what I want to say to you all is that you have find something some place in you to be able to hold up and hold on when things can threaten to shut you down.
Sometimes there can be a medical professionals that can drop the ball & fail to see you as a whole human being, but as fat person and not anything else and they will treat you as you have no say, or that you are in denial, sprout off all kinds of comments contrary to what you know is true and right.
Do not let people bowl you over. And how you do that is become an informed advocate and ally for your health and well being. Though you may not as I do not have a medical degree, you live in your body. You know what you are. Do the research! Ask the questions, be mindful that the doctor works for you, you are paying in one way or another for their expertise.
If I had not spoken up and continue to protest or had been passive I would have been kept on medicine that was making me sicker and sicker. But more then that was the failure to give me all the information I needed to be an inform patient and an ally to my well being.
After I was able to have it register what was happening then I got mad.. And then I got active. Someone making a pronouncement on you is not written in stone. It also showed me that what I said and what was believed to be true was either not listen to or believe. All I was a bunch of stats, not a person. No alternatives or suggestions was made to assist in my well being, lets just pop her some pills and tell her this is how its going to be.
I say Nay, Nope, Nada, Uh-uh no you won't.
I have had great strides in my well being and will continue to progress. I have nothing to prove to the health care practitioner or anyone. this is my life, MY health and my quality of living that will continue to be shaped by this woman's hands.
Understand I am not in denial and want to work in harmony to be an ally for my own health and if I have to do what's needed I will do it. But you the practioner needs to see me, not stats. Don't make snap judgements & expect for me to go willingly or blindly just because you said so.
Oh yes I can (take my business & my body somewhere else)!
Now how cool is that?
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