Envision (verb): To conceive or see something within one's mind.. To imagine
Vision (noun) : The sense or ability of sight. Something imaginary one thinks one see. A person or thing of extraordinary beauty.
This is a followup thought to my other post on imagination. I had a wonderful comment from another wise sage about how we can if we dare look inside ourselves to conceive and then bring into reality our wants and our needs will undoubtedly will mean work
Look at invision (envision) . It's a verb meaning a action is or about to take place.
To have a vision is an ability, or a sense, but it is a noun... stationary. Both are to do with imagination, but one connotes an action to bring about what one has imagined.
So when we see in our mind's eye our need for health and well being is it a passing fancy, a desire that we may not really want to bring into action? Its possible but that too can be ok. It may not be something that we will walk across fiery coals for or jump in a pool (like I would not do). For the record I have jumped into a pool twice in my life though I cannot swim and that was to pull 2 unsupervised children out. But that's the point. If you do not have passion something or ecognize truly in our heart a significant danger, that we cannot imagine not doing.
Then we need to let it along and not beat ourselves up any longer for it.
But if it is then we have to create a vision plan, a course no matter how modest it may seem to bring it about.
But if we cannot invision ourselves at that smaller size, or ,re active or gaining real physical strength, starting a new career, a new life we will be as much have died without having died. The Bible says "without vision the people will perish".
Truly we need to look inside and be honest really honest with ourselves as to what we want to do. And the invision does not have to be grandiose. We do no have to lose 100 pounds in 3 months . It could be 10 pounds in a year. We could walk a 1/2 mile a week if we wanna.
Of course you know this is the time of the year where people join gyms, trainers jogging etc in record numbers then by the end of the month it has dwindle radically. Our the desperate cry I cannot do this any longer rings out.
People will still look for an external vision or someone to push them along rather then having that invision. Some will not allow themselves to imagine or to envision themselves other then what is already there. If you perceive yourself as a lost cause, you will be a lost cause, because that is your invision & behave accordingly. But if you see yourself healthier, happier & joyous you will seek out to surround yourself with the things, the people the activity that will bring that course of action.
The beauty is you can always change your perception.
The 1st step is to invision.
The rest you will care for in time.
Your health and well being may just sneak up on you before you know it!
How very cool is that?
How very cool is that?
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