Much to my delight I found an abundance of eggplants and 3 okra pods! Okra. At this size I will let them go to seed for next years crop. I was simply amazed that I got some since when I got the plant it was near death.
Green Bean plants w okra leaves
To the seasoned gardener it may not seem like much, but I had resigned myself that I had completely lost my container garden between the New Orleans heat, my neglect etc. Even my watermelons seems to have, no pun intended, taken a life of their own and started growing!
I manage to have saved one cucumber & squash plant respectively & the bell peppers seem to be trying to revitalized. My greens, brussel sprouts, kohl rabi & tomatoes are raring to be transplanted.
Not unlike me right now.
Although there wasn't a whole lot I could do, I can stand there to water, pluck away dead leaves & photograph.
And that is exactly what I did. Enjoyed the cool early morning breeze, the silence and my garden.
Tis' good!
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