"Head in the Clouds" All rights reservedJHM©10
"Where the unusual occurs & miracles happens"~Dr. Dwayne Thomas 2002 CEO of University Hospital, New Orleans,La
(This quote is on the wall of the hospital where the story begins).
My story for the day (weigh to grow)
Before I had my last visit with the last part of the team I did a couple of things that pleased me to do. The people who yesterday had a change of heart after denying me access to a program that would have covered my medical expenses but in hearing my plight went above and beyond the call of duty. Because their humanity showed plainly, I decided I wanted to do something in turn for them.
I gave all 3 persons a miniaturized framed piece of my art that you see above.
I got to think how hard it must be for them on a daily basis of having to make decisions that can ultimately affect someone health. And how they probably on more then one occasion they may have been yelled at for doing what they have to do (I did not yell at them, but held my ground and my position).
I had told the initial contact person I would not forget her...
And I didn't...
So today before I had my appointment I walked in to present her, her boss & her boss' boss my art "Head in the Clouds". I am happy to say they were touched and said no one had every done something like that for them before. My response then was it was time and what a better person then me?
I did not do it to pat myself on my own back or to brag about it, but of course I did receive a reward in the sense that my endorphins rose and so was the happy feeling that lasted the rest of the day! As did my energy level & my pain level went down.
I then continued on to my appointment and got a lot of good news and also some poetic justice:
First of all systems are go now on the surgery.
And may I trill a lil bit here? My HDL/LDL is doing very well, no diabetes, no high cholesterol. I lost 5 pounds since last week AND my BP is 142/87.
Even the GP noticed I had a massive improvement since the last time my liver was checked in Nov and wondered what I was doing. I told him jokingly "been poor" ..
No, seriously, I have adjusted my eating starting with when I was across country and have continued to now. I was limited because of the hernia situation as to how much or often I could have physical activity, despite that limitation, I have improved.
Here is a big shout out to www.Sparks.com!
What has been in my control to change I have There were some external stressors I could not do a lot about (yet) but just like the turtle you just keeping moving steady.
Now for other stuff:
This morning I seeded my pots with tomatoes, mustard & collard greens, transplanted my squash into a large container & had my one and only mature displace okra plant moved to the back yard.
Since it was a tad bit cooler (who am I kidding?) I wanted to have them in the ground so I just plugged away. In the morning, I will plant Dahlias seeds, Kohl Rabi + Fennel as I want them to be germinating & growing while I am germinating and "chill-laxing" from the surgery.
A friend as offered to come in & tend to my veggies while I am recuperating . He has his own outside garden, so I know he will do well.
My upstairs neighbor Elisabeth will keep my flower front garden porch watered while I am down (?) Everything I have planted are in containers so it won't be difficult to maintain.
The other things I plan to grow does not have to be planted until Sept, so I will be up to grow by then. Since N.O has such a long growing season & a very mild winter thee are plenty opportunities. However because of our heat & humidity in the summer months certain plants and/or species have to be planted later then others. Like 'maters there are only a few species that grown well here like Creole tomatoes or Big Boy tomatoes but it is worth the wait.
And now I see the beginnings of green beans growing food! And happy new growth on the bell peppers. I am getting more eggplants bearing fruit. However, I had to pull one of my containers of cucumbers because they had gotten some kind of mold and I had to pull to save the other container. Because of the record setting 5 days of 100+ heat my cantaloupes were having an issue but seems to be rallying around now. I have 4 container so cantaloupes so if I lose some it will not be a biggy. I planted 4 as I wanted to donate some of the produce to one of the food banks since they get so little fresh fruits or veggies.
PPL think that poor ppl are fat because of laziness when in actuality it is because of less access to healthy food. And most of the unhealthy food from places like Wal-Mart, (sad but true) are so much more accessible, cheap and taste good (for a minute). Peole should look into their own communities for groups like www.noffn.org assist them in starting their own gardens. The benefits are plenty!
Off sidebar:
I've learned to never underestimate what people can & will do or what YOU are capable of doing. Sow the seeds, water, nurture, fertilize and then watch it grow. Some times you have to deadhead so the plant keeps on blooming, sometimes you have to prune it back so it can grow and then others you have to pull it out by the roots and start anew. As Kenny Rogers in the song The Gambler "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away".
I will spare you my attempts to sing it.
Now excuse me while I go and do a happy dance!
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