"Your behavior will be consistent with your beliefs. If you believe you are a "fat person" instead of just having "excess weight", you will act and behave like a "fat person". Your life is defined by your beliefs, said another way, life has no meaning except the meaning YOU assign to it. Thus..Who are you? Why do you exist? Are you all that you are capable of being? Control your own destiny or someone else will~George Frasier CEO Success Net
I love this quote by Mr.Frasier a decent honorable man, a formidable force in the importance of net working.
If you let, as said by H.David Thoreau: "Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared to our own private opinion. What a person thinks of him/her self, this is what determines or rather dictates their fate".
or as someone I knew years ago who had an issue with others weight "Any one can put a jacket on you, but YOU do not have to WEAR it" makes sense to me.
So often we are focused on way down the road when we reach what we see as the "ideal" weight, we forget on the weigh of several transformation we may have. How well I feel I treat myself has in my opinion, a great deal to do with how successful I will be in the weight release and the substaining of it once I am there!
So I prep now, developing & managing myself far more respectfully and not without zip dee doo dah, delicious, juicy rockin' cool NOW.
As I begin my 59th year today, deliriously excited of what my year will bring and executing my "60 things to do before I turn 60" strategy today, I want to be woke, alert and ready to rock & roll.
I was sent this today:"After enlightenment, the laundry"~Zen Proverb.
So I know there will be work and also days when I will wonder what on earth did I start? But I will look back and remember and keep on stepping!
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