The palest ink is better than the best memory.
- Chinese Proverb
The secret to reaching your goals may rest in the written word. Writing is a common theme through every stage of successful goal achievement. The act of writing creates a promise, and having that visual promise in front of you every day won't let you forget it. Got a problem remembering what goals you met last week? Start tracking them on a daily basis. No more guessing and fooling yourself. The only way to get a really accurate picture of your progress is to record what you've done when you do it. Got something to say or a breakthrough to announce? Write it in a journal. Journals can show you what works and what doesn't. And the stories of your success can be great motivators in the future, right when you need help the most. From pregnancy start to pregnancy finish, you can help your memory and your goals by putting ink to paper. It can make up for fading memory and keep motivation from fading at all
I find this to be true with almost all I do though I have to admit I've been somewhat lackadaisical about it the last 4 months. However yesterday as I was clearing up paperwork organizing for the upcoming year I found in several places where I had written random goals. Much to my surprise and delight, I came to discover I had actually accomplished quite a few of them.
But in my mind, I had dropped the ball big time. But I had not dropped the ball, I just neglected to write it down as a reminder. It goes to show we cannot always rely on memory alone.
It was a good feeling to X them out as mission accomplished and the ones that were partially done which also surprised me, I was able to revamp the part not done and have started to work on them.
It is good to get stuff out of your head. Seeing it in a different form or venue can make whats seem to be a problem less of one or might not be a problem after all or reduces down the intensity of it.
It did indeed make me feel as well as know that I did something. And even if I didn't, well I can put it on next day's agenda or the weeks agenda. Seeing it in writing lends itself toward making a commitment, a contractual agreement with oneself. Is it possible when we don't do this we are not serious in what we say we want to do? Now that documentation could take forms, audio or visual recordings, a dream or vision board. (I like the idea of vision versus dreaming), blogging, etc.
But doing it makes me feel accountable, responsible for my own actions or behaviors and less of holding someone else accountable or believing their behavior is the right one.
The beauty is no one has to see it unless you want it to be so. I would just say though be kind to yourself, the same respect & consideration to yourself as you would give to another. That's being accountable too. Cheer a mission accomplished no matter how small it may seem to you. Even the smallest steps will end up one giant leap.
And how cool is that?
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