Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Too Too

A few of my favorite things and yes, they are sizes 18-24. And yes I do wear them. And very affordable except for the Inspira suit, all the items are $32-$89 & the Inspira suit is $138.
Top to bottom Newport News http://www.newportnews.com/ &

How many times have someone said or you said I am too big for___________ when it comes to color, style and hair. Or someone which seems to be a newer but truly is the same old song "age appropriate" way of telling you that you are too old, too fat too something to wear fashionable clothes.

Though still a long way to grow finally some of the designers are discovering that not only do lagniappe women ( "land-Yap"~ Creole for something extra) want more then a big tent with a hole cut out for the head and arms, but they had the discretionary income to buy something more.

So while it may not all be altruism or ding the right thing and more about the bottom line, we are seeing more clothes selections to purchase from. The other part is recognizing that not all plus or women have one shape so you are seeing more plus petite (which is not a contradiction) and tall plus. And have varying taste and have no desire say like in my case want to look like what my 93 year old mother would not wear!

Now who knows...Maybe one day some of the one who create for plus women will use real plus women modeling the clothes rather then a size 6 with padding, which if I could clue them in, is laughable when you see these tiny tiny arms poking out of sleeves of mumus that Mrs. Roper of Threes Company favored.

And when I say real plus I am talking from 20-32 and beyond . When did size 12 and 14 become plus? Jumonia, Spiegel & a few others are setting the stage and hopefully in time others will follow. Nothing like a well fitted, quality and affordable dressing to make one feel good while on the road to a healthy, for them, weight which for some will be an 18 not a 0.

So when you tell yourself or someone else tells you that you are too_________. Respond if you feel like with "You are right... I am too, too!
Now how cool is that?

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