Ok I will not comment on this commentary by anslem Samuel for reason.
Let me preface this by saying I’m not a “chubby chaser” or anything of the sort, but the other day I saw a woman that some might consider a “big girl” that caught my eye. She wasn’t big in the sense of obese, but big in terms of height and just the overall “solidness” of her frame.
She was a little older, pretty in the face, had her hair done and a well put together outfit.
She was proof positive that just because someone might be considered a “big girl,” it doesn’t mean that she can’t have it going on. It got me to thinking, are there any plus-size sisters that do it for me?
Although I’m a slim guy of average height and not trying to be towered over by my woman, there are a few plus-sized sisters that have caught my eye. I’m a brother that can appreciate some meat on a woman’s bones as long as it’s healthy and she maintain some sort of keen fashion sense-that goes for any woman regardless of size-you’re okay in my book.
In terms of attraction, mental compatibility is always the most important thing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say physical attraction didn’t play a major role as well. As long as a woman is shapely and confident enough to turn me on when she’s Naked With Socks On we should be good to go. The lady lumps just gotta be ladylike and not just lumps (Sorry).
There are plenty of women that don’t fit the stereotypical mold that are quite attractive. I see them every day in my travels and more and more of them are starting to get into the spotlight. It’s like the powers that be are finally rethinking that outdated model from the World War II era that has long been the benchmark for what the “average” size for a woman is. It’s long overdue, because when you have a chart that says the average woman is a size 8 when most real women today are a more like a size 12, it’s was only a matter of time before the staunch world of fashion and entertainment caught on.
In honor of this new era of the big girl, I decided to compile my own personal list of sisters that some might consider “plus-size” but I feel have it going on. Fellas, chime in if you feel these ladies do it for you, too. Who said big can’t be beautiful? (Sorry, Mo’Nique didn’t make my list:).
Ms. Scott is just a beautiful woman with a glowing personality and aura. Anyone that can’t see that is just plain blind.
J-Hud is a definite looker. While she might be a little too hood for Hollywood at times, she’s all good in my book.
Personality for days-among other things-but this former ANTM contestant’s biggest draw is her confidence.
Jordin is a definite cutie with a warm smile, she seems comfortable in her own skin and can sing to boot… How I’m supposed to breathe with no air, no air…
You might remember Mia from her role of Rhonda in Road Trip (see main pic above), but she definitely holds it down for the big girls as an accomplished plus-size model.
Let me preface this by saying I’m not a “chubby chaser” or anything of the sort, but the other day I saw a woman that some might consider a “big girl” that caught my eye. She wasn’t big in the sense of obese, but big in terms of height and just the overall “solidness” of her frame.
She was a little older, pretty in the face, had her hair done and a well put together outfit.
She was proof positive that just because someone might be considered a “big girl,” it doesn’t mean that she can’t have it going on. It got me to thinking, are there any plus-size sisters that do it for me?
Although I’m a slim guy of average height and not trying to be towered over by my woman, there are a few plus-sized sisters that have caught my eye. I’m a brother that can appreciate some meat on a woman’s bones as long as it’s healthy and she maintain some sort of keen fashion sense-that goes for any woman regardless of size-you’re okay in my book.
In terms of attraction, mental compatibility is always the most important thing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say physical attraction didn’t play a major role as well. As long as a woman is shapely and confident enough to turn me on when she’s Naked With Socks On we should be good to go. The lady lumps just gotta be ladylike and not just lumps (Sorry).
There are plenty of women that don’t fit the stereotypical mold that are quite attractive. I see them every day in my travels and more and more of them are starting to get into the spotlight. It’s like the powers that be are finally rethinking that outdated model from the World War II era that has long been the benchmark for what the “average” size for a woman is. It’s long overdue, because when you have a chart that says the average woman is a size 8 when most real women today are a more like a size 12, it’s was only a matter of time before the staunch world of fashion and entertainment caught on.
In honor of this new era of the big girl, I decided to compile my own personal list of sisters that some might consider “plus-size” but I feel have it going on. Fellas, chime in if you feel these ladies do it for you, too. Who said big can’t be beautiful? (Sorry, Mo’Nique didn’t make my list:).
Ms. Scott is just a beautiful woman with a glowing personality and aura. Anyone that can’t see that is just plain blind.
J-Hud is a definite looker. While she might be a little too hood for Hollywood at times, she’s all good in my book.
Personality for days-among other things-but this former ANTM contestant’s biggest draw is her confidence.
Jordin is a definite cutie with a warm smile, she seems comfortable in her own skin and can sing to boot… How I’m supposed to breathe with no air, no air…
You might remember Mia from her role of Rhonda in Road Trip (see main pic above), but she definitely holds it down for the big girls as an accomplished plus-size model.
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