He who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else ~Samuel Johnson
I had a wonderfuly experience last week to be part of a raw foods "cooking" class.
You did not get to sit and watch but participate in the preparation as well as the eating.
I am a person who has not ever been prone toward salads let along a whole raw food meal, but after spending a wonderful week with myhost who has been a vegan for over 20 years and then went completely raw food 4 years ago and sampling pates, salads casseroles etc all raw, I found myself intrigue to give it a shot.
Even more then the food was the camaraderie with the other women in a sisterly communal preparation that reminds me of another time and place or still is shared in many other cultures.
While I will be the first to say that it has not converted me into anything other then what I am I can indeed tell you that as I lean into this new way of eating (for me) I wll be incorporating more of this into my life.
It is economical, tasty,healthy and yes a lot of work in the learning.
I am like many people who may would have been turned off to trying not because of the food itself, but the sometimes seemingly pety, self-rightouness that comes from many vegans. To me many always seem to have this pinched veneer around them as if they could not have fun or enjoyed life or everything was drudge and work.
But my host seperate that she was from New Orleans made this enjoy, fun & tasty. Yup tasty. I've tried non meat meals before and outside of my daughter in law's cooking so much of it was downright nasty as if the preparer took all the joy out of the food.
I so relish in the fragrances in the raw food as we prepared and sampled and giggled . I noticed later I was feeling pretty happy in a quiet way as if the belly was smiling.
And perhaps it was...
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