Thanks to Fit Matters & Sandra Garth www.onebodyonelifetime.con for use of this commentary from her Fit Matters newsletter. Y'all shouold sign up and get the weekly inofmration chocked full of recipes, fitness intormation and a guest commentary. Good, solid common sense and workable offerings to aid you on your fitness journey.
All commentarys do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host of this blog, but in this case it does!
No Fun
We can never have any fun. There's nothing like good old fashioned groundless criticism. If you are a goal oriented person, whether it be fitness or professional related, then you may have heard it before. And heaven forbid you try to extol the benefits of healthy living or even general quality of life. You get labeled as some sort of health nut or fitness freak. It's usually someone 30lbs overweight whose arteries are so clogged and cholesterol laden; they're just waiting another 5 to 10 years to be penciled in to see the angel of death or at least be on the list for a massive coronary.
A Side of Diet Coke
These are the people who at the local restaurant, order the double grease bomb casserole with a side of extra large transfat and some diabetic inducing beverage, or better yet, a "diet" type II diabetic drink as if it will somehow wash away the heart-stopping grease bomb that they are about to shovel into their gullets. So you do the healthy thing and order grilled chicken and maybe a salad. That's when they hit you with it; "You're such a health freak, you're gonna live a boring life" or "you should live a little, you'll die without ever having any fun". Try to give one of these people some advice and you're some type of gym nerd. When did "fun" and "living" mean having poor health habits and a shoddy unhealthy lifestyle. Why does your quality of life need to revolve around greasy heart attack fat and food?
Here’s my Answer
My message to you is don't be discouraged. Keep on "keeping on". Anybody ever trying to accomplish anything has run into quite a number of these naysayers, but make them your motivators. In the end, it will be you with the quantity and quality of life. It will be you with they eye popping and head turning physique. It will be you who laughs last and the heartiest. Let haters do what they were born to do, hate. Keep ever forward and onward, ignore the party poopers, train and succeed.
Casey L. Garth is still on active duty and resides with his wife in Atlanta, GA.
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