It has been seems like forever since the last time I've posted anything. Despite several setbacks.. I'm back now, The challenges over the last 4 months took priorirty & I was wise enough to know how much I could managed and it was time to let things settle so I can steer clear of anymore pitfalls & pot holes in the road.
Unfortunately in all of this I took 3 steps backward, but humane enough to give myself the benefit of the doubt as I put back on 20 lbs. Being sidelined with plantar fascilitis in both feet as well as injuring my left Achilles tendon slowed a complete halt any physical activity I could have enjoyed as well as having to deal with several deaths including my best friend. We had an exceptional warm summer that was brutal enough to kill off my garden which not only provided healthy food but did wonders when I had it to keep my stress level. But now we've turned a new page and back to work on al that needs to be rebooted and resparked.