A Vibrant Life
All riights reservedJHM©08
The thing I have come to reconcile myself to (and I hope all of us do at some point in our lives) to is accept and savor the moments that we have each day. It may seem cliched but sometimes a cliche is good to use. I accept and know for me that I have far more delight and enjoyment in being around vitality and a vibrant life. Not a schizophrenic one but a vibrant life. Since I have been on this adventure i honestly can say I have done far more for my health & well being then I would say in the last 3 years! And that is saying a whole lot because I was not whistling Dixie all day on the porch.
For other my kind of living maybe too frenetic and want a quiet slow pace or others somewhere in the middle. Or lean a little to the left or to the right, but it is good for them. It is what makes the world go round this different strokes for different folks. I would not though I could live in it want a faster paced life say like a New York. don't need it, don't want it. If I desire I can get on a plane boat train skateboard or donkey and mosey over for the bright lights and activity and then enjoy going home. But I do not relish a life that the most excitement in a day is watching the paint dry on the wall.
I say this example in an extreme just to make a point. For example right now everyone is gone cats, dogs, teenagers and adults and I am savoring the quiet and the coolness. Then I will get a big kick when they all return. It is for me about balance.
I have eaten many delightful healthy meals and probably more salads then I have had in 4 years , tested things including if you can believe this little to no tv in the last 4 weeks. It wasn't hard, just strange and have found much to take its place. And much of the adjustments simply slipped up on me when I wasn't looking. But I have worked long and hard removing the things that would weigh me down and once in the peeling layers , when the time came and for me it is now, I was ready. There is indeed more to learn and to do but I am enjoying the whole can of beans.
So can we say that when it comes to change our life course that sometimes things aren't as bad as they look? That perhaps it is our perception if we remove the shields that it might not really be all that bad and actually we may find out a lot of what we have missed.
No I am not recommending to anyone to pack it all up, and hit the road as I did. (Unless they wanna) I am saying though about shifting things even just a little. In many weighs for me it has lighten my heart and absolutely my mood. And even for me I will stop and settle in for awhile and use what I have learned in a form and expression that suits me best. And be alright with that.
And how cool is that?